
Adult Education

We have a variety of learning opportunities throughout the year: book discussions, small group discussions with a meal at the Rectory, lectures on topics of special interest, Quiet Days. They will be featured in the weekly announcements and monthly newsletter The Messenger. Of course, participation in the Chancel Choir is a wonderful opportunity not only for singing but also for learning.

Music Program

Music is an important component of worship at St. Stephen’s, and everyone can participate in some way. Congregational singing is the foundation of music ministry. Hymns are chosen to reflect the lectionary, primarily from the 1982 Hymnal and the alternative hymnal Lift Every Voice II.

St. Stephen’s is fortunate to have a 15-rank pipe organ in excellent condition, built in 1981 by the Carey Organ company. In 2018, Rosenberry & Myers Organ builders completed a major upgrade, including a complete rebuild of the console with a digital combination system and new keyboards, two new ranks of flute pipes, and other repairs. This versatile organ is well suited to the space and effectively supports congregational singing, the choir, and a wide range of organ repertoire.

The Chancel Choir is made up of 8-10 volunteer singers. They rehearse on Thursday evenings and sing anthems on Sundays and for special services except in the summer. The choir sings music from a variety of periods and styles, chosen to best support the lessons and to speak to the diverse tastes and backgrounds of the congregation. The choir is accompanied by either the Steinway upright piano or the organ.

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild prepares the sanctuary for services: the Eucharistic vessels, candles, vestments and flowers. Three teams of two or more people take their turn every third week. Setup is completed prior to each Sunday service, usually on Saturday morning. Flower arrangements are delivered from a local florist unless a member would like to arrange them. The schedule is flexible and the group is supportive. New members are most welcome.


Two lectors contribute to each service: one offers lessons from the Old Testament and New Testament and leads the Psalm; the other offers the Prayers of the People. Lectors for the 9:30 service are now on a rotating schedule based on availability. New members are welcome after an initial training.

Eucharistic Ministers

Eucharistic ministers are lay persons who assist the priest to distribute the elements during Holy Communion. They may also serve as acolytes. Instruction is offered to those who are interested in serving as Eucharistic ministers.


St. Stephen’s Acolyte Guild invites members from the age of nine (or fourth grade) to assist the clergy at the Altar during worship services. Members learn the details of the liturgy, get to know the clergy, and contribute significantly to the worship experience of the congregation.


Greeters serve at the 9:30 a.m. service, welcoming people as they come into church. They hand out bulletins and assist people as needed. Greeters also collect the offering and direct the congregation to come to the altar rail during communion. Additional Greeters are always welcome.

Worship Committee

The Worship Committee is involved with the ongoing renewal of our approach to God in worship through discussion and re-evaluation of our liturgy for each season. We seek to assist the priest in her responsibility, both to help the people of Saint Stephen’s grow in their awareness of the deep meanings contained in our liturgy, and to provide for liturgy that engages and renews our faith, strengthens our spirit, and enables us to boldly live out our lives as Christians. Committee members meet monthly with the Priest-in-Charge to further these aims.